Governed by Grace

“Perhaps the art of harvesting the secret riches of our lives is best achieved when we place profound trust in the act of beginning.”
-John O'Donohue

Governed by Grace

When we seek healing, transformation, real purpose, we are seeking that higher level—the level governed by grace where we can begin to fathom that the same mystical laws that inform the universe are alive in us.

Gleaned by Grit

It takes grit to get there. The journey requires that we first have the courage and willingness to go deep into our own interior, to come know ourselves more fully, both the light and the shadow, and to embrace humility.

Galvanized by Guidance

Guidance and companionship encourage and excite us towards our own wholeness, our destiny, our on-going dance of becoming.

Melissa Dillon meets you wherever you are with warm acceptance and compassion. She offers companionship and guidance in your journey of healing, wholeness and transformation—in your unique dance of becoming. As an adept Reiki Master, an archetypal consultant, a spiritual director/companion, and parenting coach and teacher, she works with you to create a safe, healing space and offers caring and practical tools and techniques for navigating change and transformation. As a holy witness, she invites you to go deeper into your own interior, to tap into your own wisdom and to companion you as you embrace healing, wholeness and purpose. And as an experienced parenting coach and teacher, she invites you to greater connection with your children, your family and your community.
  • Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • Hayesville, North Carolina, United States